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   Company Name  Myanmar Agro Exchange Public Co., Ltd. (MAEX)
   Code  00008   ISIN code  MM0000800001
   Date formed  14th September 2015   ManagementU Win Aung (Chairman)
   Date listed  3rd July 2023   Financial year   1st April to 31st March
   Phone  01-503928   Email   [email protected]
   Address262-264, Pyay Road, Dagon Centre 1, Block-A, 4th Floor, San Chaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar
   BusinessOur company’s primary business is operating the wholesale market and its value chain for fruits, vegetables, flowers, and agricultural commodities. We have developed the Danyingone Wholesale Market in Insein, Yangon, with the aim of providing international-level infrastructure for conducting agricultural trade between the commercial capital of Myanmar and growers, producers, and farmers all across Myanmar. It has a diverse cluster of businesses involved in wholesale trading, fresh fruit and vegetable retailing, and business service providers. The objective of the investment will not only be financial gains but also building links between farmers, consumers, local traders, and exporters for price stability and supply and demand equilibrium. Line of business of MAEX Co; is to invest in value-adding, integration and strengthening of supply chain in the agriculture sector. Through our investments, we will improve the living standards of farmers and others dependent on agriculture and also create value-added agriculture products and industries.
   Detailed profile  cp_00008_20231031.pdf
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