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   Company Name  Myanma Agricultural & General Development Public Co., Ltd (MADPL)
   Code  00009   ISIN code  MM0000900009
   Date formed  11th September 2012   ManagementU Tun Lwin (Chairman)
   Date Registered  14thAugust 2024   Financial year   1st April to 31st March
   Phone  01-230 1787   Email   [email protected]
   AddressShwe Zabu River View Complex, 23G-1, No.3B, Tower (A & C), Ground Floor, Strand Road, Ahlone Township, Yangon.
   BusinessThe current future business activities of MAGDPL are as follows ; –     Sourcing agricultural products locally and exporting them, –     Investing in Myanmar Thilawa SEZ Holdings Public Co., Ltd. (MTSH) and    Myanmar National Telecom Holdings Public Co., Ltd. (MNTH) –     To develop a multi-purpose international port terminal for handling agricultural and oil seed products at Thilawa Port Area Plot No. 29, to construct and lease the warehouses, siloes and other related commercial buildings for the storage of pulses, maize, sesame seeds and other agricultural products as well as imported agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. –     Importing and exporting of the aforementioned items by MAGDPL. –     Transporting, storing, processing and exporting of pulses, beans, maize and sesame seeds from the growing regions to the international markets. –     To establish an international standard Myanmar Commodity Exchange Center that can conduct all spot and future transactions as per the international rules and regulations, without the needs for trust-based practices.
   Detailed profile  cp_00009_08082024.pdf
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