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   Company Name    First Myanmar Investment Co., Ltd. (FMI)
   Code    00001    ISIN code    MM0000100006
   Date formed    3rd July 1992    Management    U Theim Wai @ Serge Pun
Executive Chairman
   Date listed    25th March 2016    Financial year    1st April to 31st March
   Phone    01-240363    Email    [email protected]
   Address FMI Centre 10th Floor, 380 Bogyoke Aung San Road, Pabedan Township,
Yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
   Business FMI is an investment holding company that owns shares in companies engaged in a number of diverse businesses. Its core businesses are in the financial services, real estate and healthcare sectors. FMI refers to these three sectors as the “Three Pillars”.FMI also has investments in other companies, including companies engaged in the retail and tourism sectors and a company developing Thilawa Special Economic Zone.

All of FMI’s subsidiaries run their own day-to-day business activities with a high degree of autonomy. Subsidiaries are managed on a standalone basis and each has its own business functions (such as sales, marketing, purchasing and human resources departments).

FMI has oversight of significant capital allocation decisions of its subsidiaries and is actively involved in selecting the Chief Executive Officer of these companies. FMI‘s Executive Chairman, U Theim Wai @ Serge Pun, is on the Board of Directors of each of its subsidiaries. FMI’s management team is also responsible for corporate and social responsibility, setting the corporate culture, and communicating the appropriate “tone at the top” messages to its employees, including those at its subsidiaries. FMI employed 3,000 persons as at 30 September 2015 on a consolidated basis, 18 of whom are located at FMI‘s corporate headquarters.

   Website  http://fmi.com.mm
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